Welcome to OQ Studios
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The Recount




The Recount



Art Direction
Motion Design
Graphic Design
Video Production
Social Strategy
Digital Marketing



At The Recount, we're reinventing video journalism for streaming and social media platforms. We cut through the noise, reject stale narratives, and expose big lies. No time wasted, no insults to your intelligence. We drive dialogue, not mindless division. Featuring challenging voices. In an era of information overload, alternative facts, and conspiracy theories, we illuminate what matters most: the truth.






The Daily Recount is a video mashup remixing traditional news coverage that doesn’t waste your time. Through video, motion and design our intention was to help people understand stories that matter. An innovative concept that became necessary in the current media landscape.






The content produced by The Recount began as an email sent to an invite-only group. The goal was to align our vision from our perspective and others. Prior to the release, we built a campaign strategy that would continue our growth beyond launch day. The results of our successful strategy, even as of today, reveal a daily increase in numbers across all platforms with ratings, engagement and followers.





We started by covering politics because our highest calling is to hold powerful interests to account. Now we’re training our sights on the corridors of power in technology, business, culture, and more.
